2006 Beer Olympics Official Rules
Teams will consist of 5 members, of which 2 must be female. Of this group one must be designated captain. Each team member must participate in a minimum of 5 events and a maximum of 6 events.
There will be a $50 fee per team to be used to cover the cost of beer, food, the Coveted Roscoe Alexander Trophy, and other necessary drinking materials. Teams must be registered and fees paid to the Event Chairman, by Saturday, November 14.
The Beer Olympics shall be held at Champions Stadium. The event will be held the Friday following Thanksgiving (November 24). Opening Ceremonies will begin promptly at 2pm.
Each event will be awarded the following points except for the Beer Obstacle Course.
1st place: 10 points
2nd place: 7 points
3rd place: 5 points
4th place: 3 points
Beer obstacle course, as the final event, and most physically demanding, will award double points to competitors, as thus:
1st place: 20 points
2nd place: 14 points
3rd place: 10 points
4th place: 6 points
Beer blindfold test
- Participants: Magic Tongued Team Member (1 member)
- Six beers will placed in six separate party cups, leaving them devoid of any brand markings. Cups will be marked 1-6.
- During Round 1, a member from each team will then attempt to identify each of these beers through taste, touch, sight, smell and sound if necessary. Team members will then write down their guesses and turn into head judge.
- During Round 2, the six possibilities will be revealed to players. Tasting and guessing will then occur and papers turned into head judge.
- Results will then be scored and points awarded.
Beer Die
- Participants: Beer Die Team (2 members), whoever starts must finish.
- Seeds will be determined by a paper scissor rock competition. Teams will then play each other tourney style to determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.
- Standard Marquette Beer Die rules will be used. Games will be played to biz.
Beer Pong
- Participants: Beer Pong Team (2 members), whoever starts must finish.
- Seeds will be determined by PSR competition. Teams will then play each other tourney style to determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.
- 10 cups will be used in competition containing 3 beers total.
- Standard rules will be followed. Bouncing results in two beers, two sinks in one turn results in a roll back.
- Unless a double sink occurs, or a bounce scores on the final cup, a team with no cups remaining will have a chance for final redemption. Each team member will take their turn and continue until a cup is missed. If the team eliminates all of the opposing cups, over time will occur.
- Overtime consists of three cups, one beer, and will follow standard beer pong rules as listed above.
Chug Three Beers
- Participants: Sick Individuals (1 member)
- Competitors will have three beers placed before them. Contestants will get an “On Your Marks. Get Set. Go.”, spoken slowly and clearly from a hot chick. On “Go”, competitors will begin placing beer into their mouths via a standard chugging motion.
- Points awarded based on order of finish. Competitors are not allowed to evacuate fluids from mouth within 30 minutes of competing. Mouth evacuation during this time will result in a DQ finish.
- Spilling DQ: Disqualification from the event will occur if excessive spilling occurs on either the competitor’s shirt or the floor. Excessive spilling is defined as an area that cannot entirely be covered by a CD.
Chug one beer through a straw
- Participants: Team Member Who Can Suck Like No Other (1 member)
- Standard straws will be provided for use. No hands are allowed.
- Points awarded based on order of finish.
Speed Quarters
- Participants: Entire Team (5 members)
- Standard rules of speed quarters.
- Seating will be determined by this method. Team A will have one member sit down. Team B will follow. Then Team C, etc… until all team members from all teams are in the ready position.
- A hit money shot can be given to any player and will result in two clinks for that player.
- Penalty drinks will be 1/3 of a beer.
- After three clinks, player is eliminated.
- Teams will be awarded points based on when their entire team is eliminated.
Taps/Boat Racing/Flippie Cup
- Participants: Entire team (5 members)
- Seeds will be determined by a paper scissor rock competition. Teams will then play each other tourney style in a best of three series to determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.
- Beer levels will be filled to a mutually agreed upon level. If one cannot be reached the standard fill will be one-quarter beer.
- In the event there is a tie and a winner cannot be determined, teams will fill up two cups and the competition will occur in down in back fashion.
Drinking Memory
- Participants: Non Brain Damaged Team Member (1 member)
- PSR to determine order.
- Competitors will play a game of memory with a standard deck of 52 cards. A pair is considered any two cards matching in number or letter. They need not match in color.
- Drinking rules will be thus. 2-9, 1 drink. 10-K, 2 drinks. If the pair matches in color drinks will be distributed. If it is a non-color matching pair, drinks will be taken. Pair of Aces will result in a table waterfall. Start determined by the collector of the pair.
- Points awarded based on number of pairs.
Table Game
- Participants: Entire team (5 members)
- Table game is the same as taps/boat racing/flippie cup, except instead of a winner being determined at the end of a round, team must pick up table and launch it across yard. Team then resets table and plays taps again. The process continues until table throw hits pole, or suspended bell.
- Team will consist of four chuggers and one filler. One beer must be chugged per team, per throw. Member’s beer levels need not be equal, but successful flips must occur from each member to launch table.
Beer obstacle course
- Participants: Entire Team (5 members)
- Set up: A table will be set up at the north end of Champions Stadium. On the this table will be a shot glass, three quarters, two full cans of unopened beer, one half beer, 10 flashcards of simple math, and five cups of beer, three full and two half cups. Team members will stand behind the line at the south side, with Team Member 1 beginning the event wherever he chooses.
- Vomiting DQ: If at any time a participant vomits, no penalty will be assessed.
- The course will be as follows:
- Football Toss—Before the start of the event Team Member 1 will position him/herself anywhere they wish on the field of play. On “Go” a team member will throw a football to Team Member 1. If the pass is completed Team Member 1 will run to Quarters station and begin 3 Quarters event. If the pass is incomplete, Team Member 1 must run the football back to the passer and attempt again.
- 3 Quarters—Team Member 1 will drink ½ of a beer. They will then attempt to bounce 3 quarters into a shot glass. When all three quarters have been successfully bounced into the shot glass they will run back to the start and tag Team Member 2.
- Woman Carry—Team Member 2 will then pick up Team Member 3 (does not necessarily need to be a woman) and carry Team Member 3 to table and back to pick up unopened can of beer. If at any time Team Member 3 is dropped. Teams must restart from the spot of droppage. Team Member 3 will hand the beer to Wheelbarrow team, while Team Member 4 goes to Simple Math.
- Simple Math—Once the beer has been successfully handed off, Team Member 4 will then rush to the table to compete in Simple Math. Simple Math is completed by answering 3 simple math questions in a row. Before each question can be answered a shot of beer must be taken. Once the three questions have been answered in a row, Team Member 4 will rush back to the team and tag the wheel barrow team.
- Wheelbarrow—While Simple Math is being performed the Wheel Barrow team, consisting of Team Member 5 and another member, must finish the beer brought back to them from the Woman Carry. If the beer is finished at the time Simple Math makes the tag, competitors can perform the Wheelbarrow; if not they must finish the beer. Once the beer has been finished and the tag made, the wheelbarrow team will wheelbarrow style down to a post and come back. The wheelbarrow is done when the wheelbarrow person cross the line.
- Final Blow—Upon the wheelbarrow crossing the line, all team members will race back to the table to compete in a the final taps event. Standard taps rules apply. Men will drink one full beer, with women drinking ½. The last cup being successfully flipped marks the finish line.
In the event that all events have been completed and there remains a tie for 1st place. A showdown will occur.
Team members will go one on one and compete in a game of taps. A mutually agreed upon portion of beer will be consumed. If one cannot be agreed upon, men must use one half beer, and ladies, one quarter beer.
The team with the winning member in the showdown will be awarded one point. The first team to reach three points will be declared the winner and Beer Olympics World Champion.
Beer Olympic Team Champions will be awarded the Roscoe Alexander Trophy, originally awarded in 1931 for prettiest pigeon in Omaha. They will then be allowed to bask in the glory of the moment and the approval of all beer-drinking people across America.
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