ICRS: Terminator

Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Preferred Drink: Polish Vodka
Training Grounds: Champaign
Overall ICRS: 3.25
Individual Competitive Score
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An android killing machine sent from the future to save all man kind, how much do you think that thing can drink? OK, now double it.
Boot Factor:
* * * *
This guy worked at Kam's for 2 years and cleaned both men's and women's bathrooms. You think this guy doesn't have an iron stomach? Think again.
Chug Ability:
* * * *
When getting ready to play taps, Terminator likes to rip his shirt off and cut a slash across his chest yelling, "I see you drinking that beer, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine! " Ok, we get it, you're good at this, no need to be so intense.
Quarter Skills:
* *
When playing the shoulder punch game he completely missed and hit his competitor in the face. If you have that little control over your own hands, how can you expect to put a quarter into a shot glass?
Pong Ability:
* * *
A leisurely game of front yard catch nearly turned into Murder Death Kill when he completely missed the cut off man and instead jacked a girl in the face with a league ball. Based on this, you might get knocked unconcious with a pong ball in this event, but rest assured it isn't going anywhere near the cup.
Beer Die/Guy:
We don't have a lot of research on him. Before his first game, someone lit a cigarette too close to him. Yelling, "Fire Bad!", he smashed the table, chugged everyone's beers, and ate the die. That might have won him the game that night, but this time we have backup tables and dice.
Flip Ability:
* * * *
From the previous ratings you might think Terminator has no control over his body whatsoever, and you'd be right. However when it comes to taps, his CPU nueral net processer is hard wired for the sole task of flipping. When he gets a hold of a 16 oz. Solo cup, consider yourself terminated.
* * * *
Wish you had a real life Arnold soundboard? Need holes punched in your wall using nothing but your fist? How about frightening small children with a profanity laced ode to red meat? This guy is your first round draft pick for all of the above, but when it comes to games of finesse he's more suited to crush the game piece into a fine powder than to properly execute. The big X factor here is that the majority of games are chug and flip which are his specialty. And if I haven't mentioned it yet, he can walk through a wall.
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