ICRS: Mendoza

Age: 24
Height: 4' 10"
Preferred Drink: Vodka
Training Grounds: Carbondale
Overall ICRS: 3.0
Individual Competitive Score
* * *
Mendoza is no newbie to drinking competitions. I've personally watched her drink herself unconscious, wake up later, realize that she has fallen behind, and continue drinking for spite. She can throw down as much as a 12-pack if the pressures on, but even she can't deny that she's drunk after the first two. So the question isn't how drunk will she get, it's how long will she be able to keep drinking.
Boot Factor:
* * * * *
She marked her territory in three out of four bathroom's at The Condo without even trying. Ended up using a toilet seat as her pillow of choice. Woke up the next afternoon and ordered a deep dish pizza. Does it really need more explaining?
Chug Ability:
* *
Full beers are a non-issue for the light-weight New Yorker. But give her a half beer or less and watch her shine. Her technique is nothing noteworthy, but the size and overall capacity of her mouth is unparalleled.
Quarter Skills:
* *
That's the big silver coin, right? Let's face it... she's not much of a bouncer, but everybody should keep an eye on her anyway to make sure she isn't stealing all the quarters for some early Christmas shoe shopping.
Pong Ability:
We've never seen her play pong before, but we've seen her throw darts... Next.
Beer Die/Guy:
* * * *
You'll never guess why they call her Mendoza. If her coordination ever catches up to her love for the game, we'll have a new ringer in this event. And even though watching her try to catch a die makes you question how she's able to dress herself in the morning, she's a true beer guy player in her own right. Don't look for skill, watch for entertainment.
Flip Ability:
* * *
Never one to back down from a challenge, this could be a key event for her. While not particularly strong in any one facet of the flip, she'll throw all humility aside for that one small chance at victory.
* * * *
You'll think she's drunk before the ceremonial first beer is even cracked. Watch her play Beer Guy and you'll be downright certain. But don't expect her to throw in the towel simply because she can't count backwards from ten. She's never been that good at counting anyway. This girl is full of confidence, motivation, and drive. How is that possible? We haven't figured that part out yet. But if all goes well you can expect great things from her. Look for her to match previous lows by splitting her pants or falling down a flight of stairs.
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