Imagine you're back in the third grade and dodge ball teams are being picked. First all the girls are taken, then the guy with one leg, and the border line retard. Still you stand there. Feels pretty horrible, huh? But while in your case you probably deserved to be picked last, these guys don't. They're the free agents of the dodgeball field except they can chug and flip better than Norris.
Need to fill up your team with some solid competitors? Stop considering the one legged kid and email me to select one of these guys.
Like the rest of the competitors we gave Beergirl a fair amount of shit in his profile, but truth be told he's a solid competitor. More importantly, he's passionate about the Beer Olympics. I might go so far as to call it "ferocious". Any team would be lucky to add him to the roster. Below is his plea for joining your team. If you would like to adopt Beergirl, you know my address.
"My name is "Beergirl", I come here today to make a plea to your best nature.I really want to participate in the Beer Olympics, but unfortunately, Idon't have a team to register. I am a man without a country. A drinkerwithout a team. I wish I had people I could count on to stand beside me at aFlip Cup table, but for now, I stand alone.
"I believe in this competition. The spirit of camaraderie should be coursingthrough my veins along with potentially dangerous levels of alcohol. But,without a team, I will just have to sit on the sidelines during these greatgames.
"I'm valuable at a Flip Cup table. I am an asset during Beer Guy. I can help.I just need you to give me a chance. Because the last thing I want to be onNovember 24th is sober. Thank you for your time."
Need to fill up your team with some solid competitors? Stop considering the one legged kid and email me to select one of these guys.

"My name is "Beergirl", I come here today to make a plea to your best nature.I really want to participate in the Beer Olympics, but unfortunately, Idon't have a team to register. I am a man without a country. A drinkerwithout a team. I wish I had people I could count on to stand beside me at aFlip Cup table, but for now, I stand alone.
"I believe in this competition. The spirit of camaraderie should be coursingthrough my veins along with potentially dangerous levels of alcohol. But,without a team, I will just have to sit on the sidelines during these greatgames.
"I'm valuable at a Flip Cup table. I am an asset during Beer Guy. I can help.I just need you to give me a chance. Because the last thing I want to be onNovember 24th is sober. Thank you for your time."
There's the one legged kid, the retard, and me. Nice to know things haven't changed much since I was a kid. And I thought I had all of those memories repressed and tucked away.
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