Monday, October 09, 2006

Relax & House Keeping

Everyone relax. Contrary to popular belief if the Beer Olympics website isn't updated daily it will still exist the next day.

I've heard a lot of teams ready to commit, but haven't quite made the plunge. We're getting closer and we need commitment. I want to open up to eight teams, but sitting at two makes that move very difficult. So send me your teams, send me your money, and send me your tales of shame.

Speaking of shame, Chairman Heed, or Horn, or whatever you may call him has a special request to everyone. Please gain weight and do more stupid things. As we continue to write more profiles they get more and more difficult. Please make an effort to be larger (Jones) or more shameful (Trifecta) or a combination of the two (McCheese). The process comes natural for the latter category. The consensus opinion is that we could probably write two more profiles for McCheese, based solely on his weight and other foolish things he's done. So if you haven't had your profile written yet, please make a note to eat more and urinate on yourself. Thanks.

And finally, if you enjoy the website please add a comment or two. It makes it more interesting. Maybe you have a story to add, or a "this would have been better" comment. We'd like to see those.

So enjoy the rest of the week. Posting to occur every day until Friday. Don't freak out if there isn't a new profile on Saturday morning.


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