Thursday, November 16, 2006

Don't Fuck Up -- Points Already at Stake

Those of you who don't have a lot of confidence might want to call or email your captain, because points are already at stake. In order to keep things organized and seeded properly all captains have been asked to fill out the Beer Olympics Player Declaration form by noon on Sunday, November 16. Failure to do so will result in a loss of four points.

Here are your captains:

Team Delicious: Chairman M
Team Englewood Jack: Chairman Horn
Team Poop: Papa
Team Sizlak: Sizlak
Team Old Champaign: Dr. Dre
Team Undergrad: Animal
Team Beer Muscles: Beerchugus Major
Team Rag Tag: Two-Ply

Team members of Teams Delicious, Englewood Jack, and Sizlak don't need to worry. Their forms are already completed.

Team Poop attempted to submit, but didn't quite understand the concept at hand. By the way I applaud team captain Papa for his quick acceptance of the new team name. I was sad to see his errors, but very pleased to see that the attachment came back as "Team Poop Player Declaration Form". Way to wear your team name with pride!


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